From THE ELECTRICAL WORLD, May 7, 1887. Note that two of the central station pilot clocks
have second hands, suggesting that both second and minute impulse systems were in operation. Maker of master clock
unknown; its pilot clock, battery gauge, contacts and controls added by Standard.
From THE ELECTRICAL WORLD, December 7, 1889. Offers a convenient and decorative method
of locating battery gauge and pilot clock outside the master clock case.
From THE ELECTRICAL WORLD, July 23, 1887. An early version of Warner's invention patented
December 9, 1884
From THE ELECTRICAL WORLD, May 14, 1887.
Standard Electric Time equipment on the Moon? Ad circa 1970.
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Jeffrey R. Wood, creator of the Standard Electric Time Co. (SETCO) pages of, passed away in August of 2018. I will maintain the SETCO web pages in honor of Jeff, but will not be making any additions or changes, or answering any questions. It is hard to express how much I miss Jeff, his friendship, and his wonderful contributions to Standard Electric and Westclox research.