Clock & Watch Catalog Page: Illustrated Catalogue of Seth Thomas, New Haven, E. N. Welch and Welch, Spring & Co. Clocks. > 5
American Clock Company, 581 Broadway, New York. 172 State Street, Chicago. 7 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Sole Agents in America for E. N. Welch Manufacturing Co., Seth Thomas Clock Co., New Haven Clock Co., Welch, Spring & Co., Seth Thomas' Sons & Company and for A. S. Hotchkiss' Tower Clocks, made by Seth Thomas Clock Co. For Seth Thomas' Sons & Co.'s clocks, see Separate Catalogue. For Tower Clocks, see Separate Catalog.
Document Type:
Catalog > Page
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Id Filtered: 13755; Displayed Document Id: 13755; Parent Document Id: 13750; Document Id Hierarchy: 13750 > 13755; This Document's Companies:
Seth Thomas; s_date (this document or parents): 1878-01-01; d_date (this document or parents): 1878; integer_page_num (this document or parents): 5; text_page_num (this document or parents): 5; Url: 1.