Clock & Watch Catalog Page: Illustrated Catalogue of Seth Thomas, New Haven, E. N. Welch and Welch, Spring & Co. Clocks. > 2




American Clock Company, 581 Broadway, New York. 172 State Street, Chicago. 7 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Sole Agents in America for E. N. Welch Manufacturing Co., Seth Thomas Clock Co., New Haven Clock Co., Welch, Spring & Co., Seth Thomas' Sons & Company and for A. S. Hotchkiss' Tower Clocks, made by Seth Thomas Clock Co. For Seth Thomas' Sons & Co.'s clocks, see Separate Catalogue. For Tower Clocks, see Separate Catalog.



Document Type:

Catalog > Page

Document Text:

On the following pages we present illustrations of the various Clocks made by the Companies we represent, and which are cased in various kinds of wood demanded by the trade, as Rosewood, Black Walnut, Mahogany, &c.

Having the sole agency in this country of five of the largest manufactories, our facilities are unsurpassed for supplying anything in our line promptly, and at the lowest manufacturers prices.

Other makes and styles of Clocks we can usually furnish at market rates.

All orders entrusted to us will be faithfully attended to, and letters of enquiry promptly answered.

Current price list furnished upon application.

American Clock Co.

New York, January 1st, 1878.

This document is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.

Id Filtered: 13752; Displayed Document Id: 13752; Parent Document Id: 13750; Document Id Hierarchy: 13750 > 13752; s_date (this document or parents): 1878-01-01; d_date (this document or parents): 1878; integer_page_num (this document or parents): 2; text_page_num (this document or parents): 2; Url: 1.