Westclox: An Identification And Price Guide by Gary Biolchini.
Covers the history of Westclox and its predecessor companies, and the development their clocks and watches
from 1885 to 1980. Color photos show the series of models of the Big Ben, Baby Ben, electric clocks, travel
clocks, wrist and pocket watches, and many other common and scarce models. In the appendices are 30 pages
of model names and numbers with production dates for hundreds of clocks, watches and weather instruments.
"Electrifying Time" covers the history of electric clocks by Telechron and GE. There are hundreds of color and black and white photos of clocks, with years made and production figures. Repair and restoration tips are included, as well as a price guide.
"Westclox: Electric" Hundreds of Westclox electric clocks from 1931 to 1970 are illustrated, as well as Westclox store displays, after-market automobile clocks and weather instruments.
"Westclox: Wind-up" Over 790 images illustrate Westclox wind-up clocks and watches from 1885 to 1970. An extensive history of the company is told through excerpts from the Westclox company magazine, Tick Talk.
“Westclox Spring Wound Clocks” summarizes Westclox key wound clocks made in USA and Peterborough, Ontario, Canada from the author’s collection and from literature. Its 971 pages show hundreds of clock examples, and also shows patents, parts catalog pages and advertisements. Appendix A is a list of all models shown in the book. Appendix B is a four-page bibliography. Appendix C is a four-page list of issues of the Westclox company magazine, Tick Talk, both US and Canadian issues. Appendix D (21 pages) illustrates many Westclox movements. This LARGE hardbound book is 11” x 9” x 2 ¼” thick. It weighs about 6 pounds! 971 pages.
"Westclox Offshore" Drawing from his own collection and the clocks of others, and the available Tick Talk magazines, Maynard has compiled brief histories of Westclox and their clocks from Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Scotland, South Africa and Taiwan. Also included is a three-page list of Westclox company representatives around the world. Hardbound, 11” x 8 ¾” x ½”, 147 pp.
"Canadian Clockmakers" This compilation of Canadian Clockmakers is intended to bridge the gap between the earlier books by Burrows, Connell and Vakaris and the present. The makers and companies included are those purely from Canada (Pequegnat, etc.), as well as those that are Canadian divisions of other companies (such as Ingraham and Seth Thomas). Company timelines and hundreds of photos of clocks are given. Hardbound, 11” x 8 ¾” x 15/16”, 249 pp.
"Agassiz Movement dating and Illustrations" A database of Agassiz watch movements by serial number, giving estimated production dates and showing the types of movements. Spiral bound, 11” x 8 ½ “, 41 pages .
"Legged Alarm Clocks" by Dennis Sagvold. Tin can and nickel alarm clocks in legged cases made from 1880 through 1935 are illustrated with over 375 black and white photographs. Makers include Ansonia, Attleboro, Gilbert, Ingersoll, Ingraham, Lux, New Haven, Parker, Sessions, Seth Thomas, Waterbury, Welch, Westclox and others.
"The Collector's Guide to 20th Century Modern Clocks: Desk, Shelf and Decorative" by Mark V. Stein. The first reference/price guide to focus exclusively on 20th Century Modern American clocks. Over 2,300 clocks (including manual, electric, alarm, chime, novelty) are cataloged with more than 1,600 pictures. The book encompasses early industrial, machine age, moderne, art deco, streamline and mid-century modern design styles. Also included are desk, shelf and decorative weather guides (barometers, hygrometers, thermometers), radio timers/switches, kitchen timers, hybrids and related devices.
"Horolovar 400 Day Clock Repair Guide". The classic 400 day clock book with all the movement back plate illustrations, suspension spring diagrams, instructions on how to (and how not to!) adjust the escapement, and answers to the most-asked questions about 400 day clock repair.
"Anniversary Clock Identification ", Mervyn Passmore, East Sussex, England, 2009. An alternative identification system to the Horolovar system, based on plate size and other characteristics. Many excellent photographs.
"The Modern Clock: A Study of Time Keeping Mechanism; Its Construction, Regulation, and Repair" by Ward Goodrich. This classic written
in 1905 covers repairing the major types of clock movements and gives details on making pendulums and making a regulator
"The Clock Repairer's Handbook " by Laurie Penman. This
is a great book for the beginning, amateur, or professional clock repairer. It has lots of tips you just don't see
in other books.
"The Clock Repair Primer: The Beginners Handbook" and "Clock
Repair First Reader" by Phillip Balcomb offer an excellent introduction to clock repair.
Steven Conover's clock repair books are noted for their excellent drawings of clock movements and their details about how specific clock movements are assembled and adjusted:
"Clock Repair Basics" by Steven G. Conover.
"Striking Clock Repair Guide" by Steven G. Conover.
"Chime Clock Repair" by Steven G. Conover.
"Repairing Herschede Tubular Bell Clocks" by Steven G. Conover.
"Clock Repair, Part-Time Hours, Full-Time Pay" by John R. Pierson. The How-To-Get-Started in the Clock Repair Business guide. This one of a kind book take you step by step through the set-up and operation of a home-based clock repair business. Subtitled "How to Start a Successful Clock Repair Business and Make Profits Immediately."
The following series of books by Tran Duy Ly are the standards in the field. All are profusely illustrated with original catalog drawings and photographs, and the company specific books include a history by noted clock historian Chris Bailey of the American Clock and Watch Museum, Bristol, CT .
"American Clocks: A Guide to Identification and Prices, Volume 1" by Tran Duy Ly.
"American Clocks, Volume 2" by Tran Duy Ly.
"American Clocks Volume 3/With Price Update " by Tran Duy Ly.
"Ansonia Clocks & Watches " by Tran Duy Ly.
"Calendar Clocks" by Tran Duy Ly.
"Gilbert Clocks" by Tran Duy Ly.
"Gustav Becker Clocks, A Guide to Identification & Price" by Tran Duy Ly.
"Ingraham Clocks & Watches" by Tran Duy Ly.
"Longcase Clocks and Standing Regulators, Part 1: Machine Made Clocks" by Tran Duy Ly.
"New Haven Clocks & Watches" by Tran Duy Ly.
"Sessions Clocks With 2002 Price Update" by Tran Duy Ly.
"Seth Thomas Clocks and Movements: A Guide to Identification and Prices, 3rd Edition (2 Volumes)" by Tran Duy Ly.
"Waterbury Clocks & Watches " by Tran Duy Ly.
"Welch Clocks" by Tran Duy Ly.
"150 Years of Electric Horologyy" Covers the exhibit of electrical clocks at the
1992 NAWCC National Convention. For each make of clock, gives photos and a history of the manufacturer. Companies
covered include Warren Telechron Co., Westclox, Western Clock co., and New Haven.
"History of the American Clock Business" Autobiography of Chauncey Jerome, ca
"Eli Terry and The Connecticut Shelf Clock" (2nd Edition) by Ken Roberts and Snowden Taylor. The most comprehensive book ever written about the development of the wooden movement Connecticut shelf clock. Many excellent photos of cases, movements and labels. I can't recommend this book highly enough!
"Contributions of Joseph Ives to Connecticut Clock Technology 1810-1862" (2nd Edition) by Ken Roberts. The most comprehensive book ever written about the development of the brass movement Connecticut shelf clock. Many excellent photos of cases, movements and labels. I can't recommend this book highly enough!
The above two books are excellent. They will give you a good understanding of the development of Connecticut clocks.
"Time and Timekeepers" by Willis I. Milham. First published in 1923 and reprinted several times with a 1941 addendum. Includes the history, construction, care and accuracy of clocks and watches. This book is one of my all time favorites and is a excellent overview of all aspects of clock and watch history and construction.
"NAWCC Bulletin" published by National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors . The Bulletin contains absorbing, abundantly illustrated articles on historic, artistic, and technical aspects of timekeeping. Experts answer your questions, there are concise reviews of horological books, members' opinions and comments, research findings and requests, slide and other programs available to chapters, plus news and announcements of chapter, regional, and National activities. The Bulletin is published 6 times yearly in alternate months beginning with the February issue and ending with the December issue.