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Royal Jewel

The Royal Jewel alarm clock is 3 3/16 inches tall and has a 2 5/16 inch dial. The case is die cast with ivory color paint. It uses the same movement as a Baby Ben alarm clock. My example is dated 2 2 40 (February 2, 1940) on the movement. Pat Dowd has reported an example dated 12-8-39, and Greg Adams has reported examples dated 9 30 38 and 3 3 39.

The Royal Jewel was made by Westclox for the Jewel Tea Company, Inc. of Barrington, Illinois. The 1940 “Jewel News” offers the Royal Jewel for sale, along with many other household items.

Royal Jewel alarm clock made by Westclox in 1940
The dial says "Royal Jewel" above the six, and says "Made in U.S.A." at the bottom. The case is styled like Westclox models "Country Club" electric, "Logan" electric, and "Tide" keywind, but is smaller. The case is 3 3/16 inches tall.
Back view of Royal Jewel.
The back states:


Box for Royal Jewel alarm clock

Box for Royal Jewel alarm clock. The box states:

Royal Jewel
Alarm Clock

Manufactured exclusively
Jewel Tea Co., Inc.
Jewel Park, Barrington, Ill.

Ivory Finish Item No. 853

Page 27 of Jewel News 1940.
Part of page 27 of the “Jewel News”, Vol., 18, No. 9, 1940, Copyright 1940 Jewel Tea Co., Inc. The Royal Jewel alarm clock is shown, and is described as follows:

The Royal Jewel Alarm Clock is small . . . only three inches square. It's good looking . . . delicate ivory in color. And it's easy to read . . . distinct black figures. Pleasant alarm; shuts off easily. Item No. 853, Alarm Clock, $3.25."

Credits: Thanks to Lydia Heard for the photo of the box. Greg Adams researched the Royal Jewel and found its connection with the Jewel Tea Company. Don and Nancy Wiederspan sent scans of the 1940 “Jewel News”. Don and Nancy have a Jewel Tea web site.

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400 Day (Anniversary) Clock Repair
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Westclox History Articles
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