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First Aid for injured Westclox — 1950

Note from Bill - In 1950, Westclox published a parts and repair manual entitled "First Aid for injured Westclox". This page shows all the text of general information and repair.

See PDF of the complete catalog.

This repair manual carries a date of 9-50 (September 1950) on the first page. (Westclox published the original edition of "First Aid for injured Westclox" in 1919.)

Note: any text in this italic style is a note I have added that is not in the original document.

The manual includes parts lists for these items:

Spring-driven Clocks

Baby Ben, Bellboy, Big Ben Chime, Big Ben Loud, Bingo, General, Raven, Shelby, Spur, Travalarm

Electric Clocks

Ardmore, Bachelor, Bantam, Barry, Belfast, Big Ben Electric, Dunbar, Greenwich, Logan, Manor, Melody, Monitor, Moonbeam, Oracle, Orb, Pittsfield, Switch Clock

Pocket Watches

Pocket Ben, Scotty

Wrist Watches

Judge, Lance, La Salle, Rajah, Wrist Ben

First Aid for injured Westclox

Repair Material Catalog of Westclox parts for Spring-driven and Electric Clocks; Pocket & Wrist Watches

The most popular repair material catalog we ever issued carries the title "First Aid for Injured Westclox". That was some thirty odd years ago when there were only fourteen models listed against seventy-nine covered in this issue.

The watchmaker of yesteryear liked the old, "First Aid for Injured Westclox". It was a real help to him in servicing Westclox. We think the watchmaker of today will find the new edition even more valuable so we are borrowing the old name.

In this catalog we aimed to produce a book that would accomplish for the watchmaker of today what the old catalog accomplished for the watchmaker of thirty odd years ago.—A complete list of the parts that go into the various Westclox models that are now in production or have been manufactured since the latter part of 1944; line illustrations of most of the parts; a complete price list; a listing of duplicating parts.

Under the caption, "A helpful hint", the man at the bench will find many suggestions that will make the repairing of Westclox easier.

Truly, we think, a handy reference volume.

Division of General Time Corporation
La Salle, Illinois


How To Order Repair Material

Most watchmakers order repair parts fromtheir regular wholesale material distributer, but when the wholesaler is unable to supply the needed parts, and in areas where there are no wholesalers near, we ship material direct from the factory on a cash-in-advance basis.

This repair material catalog was designed to make it easy for the watchmaker to order parts needed in the repair of Westclox spring-driven and electric clocks and pocket and wrist watches.

The lists covers all Westclox models manufactured since the second world war. Where the parts were also used in prewar models, the model numbers of the older models by the same nams are given under the heading, "Model". For instance: The time bridge with barrel and spring used on the current model (69-F) Big Ben Chime was also used on earlier models, 69NS-B C-D.

In some instances the clocks or watches have been combined into groups so that parts that are used in several models are together. This is to prevent duplicate ordering.

Parts are listed alphabetically in each group. The three letters in the stock number are the first three letters of the name of the part. The numbers run consecutively by the names of the parts. Parts that are duplicated in timepieces outside their regular group are listed on pages 90, 91, and 92.

All lists are simply illustrated. The smaller parts are sketched and the stock number of the part given. When there is doubt regarding the factory name of a part, the question can be settled by looking for the illustration and then locating the name by the stock number.

Regardless of in how many models a part is used, it carries the same stock number. This is an advantage as one stock of the part is sufficient.

Black and nickel clocks usually carry nickel fittings such as keys, sets and knobs,while ivory and gold-colored clocks usually carry gold-colored fittings. It is always best to specify which parts are needed for black or ivory clocks. Parts that are the same except for color should carry different stock numbers.

Parts should be ordered by quantity, stock number, name of clock or watch, model number, name of part and part used number. Example: 1 pair Han-1418 Big Ben Loud, 48H, Luminous Hands, 48H $.40.

Big Ben, Baby Ben, Pocket Ben and Scotty have the individual names printed on the dial beneath the trade name "Westclox". On most other clocks the individual name is stamped on the back of the case.-Only the name Westclox being on the dial.-Where model numbers are used they appear beneath the bases or on the backs. Where names and model number are not known, the descrip- (Continued on next page) (Continued from page 3) tions of timepieces should include the patent numbers.

Base markings on Big Ben and Baby Ben are:

69C on Big Ben Chime Black 69C and ivory 69D
48H on Big Ben Chime Ivory 69F
64D on Big Ben Loud 48H
61R on Baby Ben Black 61R and Ivory 61S
61V on Baby Ben Black 61V and Ivory 61W

The wholesale material houses have an important place in the distribution of Westclox material and we prefer that watchmaker's advantage to buy from the wholesalers as he can have his Westclox material shipped along with his watch material, save letter and writing postage.

As we do not sell material to retailers on open account, one has to send a remittance in advance and then take his turn in having the order filled.-We prefer not to ship C. O. D.

All parts are priced individually and cannot be assorted to take advantage of a quantity price.

Retail prices are quoted in dozen, quarter dozen and each quantities. Prices apply to the quantities shipped regardless of quantities ordered. Minimum order 50 cents. Prices apply to the quantities shipped regardless of quantities ordered. Minimum order fifty cents.

Prices are net F. O. B. La Salle, Illinois. All agreements are contingent upon occurences beyond our control. Quotations subject to change without notice. Sales, excise, and similar taxes will be added to list price when applicable.

As repair material cannot be accepted for credit or exchange, we ask that care be used in making up orders so that there will be no misunderstanding after the parts are shipped.

It's Profitable to Repair Westclox

Repairing Westclox is not only desirable business but profitable business as well. If a timepiece can be repaired satisfactorily, one can make a profit on the work. If a clock or watch is so badly worn or so old repair parts are not available, one can suggest the purchase of a new Westclox and make a profit on the sale.

In either case the watchmaker who repairs Westclox has an opportunity to offer his customer the benefit of his expert knowledge and build good will by honestly telling the conditions of the timepiece, and whether it should be repaired or a new one purchased.

Westclox Glass Sizes

Diameter or
Gla—1206 S5E Ardmore (square) 2.940"
Gla—1174 61R (convex) Baby Ben Models 61R and 61S 2.615"
Gla—1178 61V (convex) Baby Ben Models 61V and 61W 2.800"
Gla—1210 S7E (convex) Bantam and Greenwich 3.240"
Gla—1214 S7 (convex) Barry 3.700"
Gla—1218 S7A (convex) Belfast 5.040"
Gla—1186 66S (convex) Bellboy, Bingo and Raven 4.100"
Gla—1182 69 (convex) Big Ben Chime Alarm, Big Ben Loud Alarm Models 48E, 48G and 48H 4.260"


S6D (convex) Big Ben Electric Model S6D 4.320"
Gla—1222 S5C (square convex) Dunbar 4.950"
Gla—1190 66AD (square convex) General 3.760"
Gla—1226 66Q (convex) Logan 3.940"
Gla—1230 S4A (convex) Manor 6.220"
Gla—1234   (convex) Monitor Commercial Clock 12.820"
Gla—1238 S5J (convex) Moonbeam 3.920"
Gla—1242 S2L (clear, flat plate) Oracle 5.750"
Rin—2626 S6E (glass ring colored, slotted, flat plate Oracle 5.665" (3.875" hole)
Gla—1246 S8 (convex) Orb 5.520"
Gla—1250 S4B (convex) Pittsfield 4.640"
Gla—1194 66AC Shelby 3.700" x 4.475" (overall length)
Gla—1198 66AA (square convex) Spur 3.930"
Cry—0798 TS1 Switch Clock (Lucite crystal) 3.720" x 4.220
Gla—1254 TS1 Switch Clock (glass) 3.645" x 4.145"

The stock numbers used in this catalog run consecutively by alphabetical listing of parts. The three letters are the first three letters of the name of the part.

A helpful Hint

For the Man at the Bench

Scattered throughout this repair material catalog are repair hints gleaned from the man at the bench.—The fellow who is called upon every hour to put new vitality into exhausted timepieces; the fellow who has the "know how"; the doctor for Father Time.

The experiences watchmaker may read the messages and say, "I know", but to the fellow just starting to learn repairing, the information should prove valuable.

The editors are grateful to the men behind the benches who have contributed from their experiences.

A helpful Hint

How to Remove Alarm Switch Knobs

On some models, the alarm switch knobs are threaded to the staff. Some are rather tight. To remove a switch knob pull the switch staff as far as it will go. Grasp the switch staff firmly with a pair of long-nosed pliers. Turn the knob to the left with a pair of ordinary pliers.

On models where the switch knob is staked to the staff it is not necessary to remove knob as the hole in the gong, or the back, is made large enough to slip over the knob when taking clock apart.

Note: Big and Baby Ben from style 6 on have staked on alarm switch knobs which should not be (and do not need to be) removed. Styles 3 - 5 have knobs which may be unscrewed. To avoid marring the knob, grip the staff with long-nose pliers and try to unscrew the knob with your fingers. If knob is too tight, put leather around it before gripping with pliers, to avoid scratching it.

Big Ben Loud Alarm

All parts listed are for Big Ben Loud, Models 48E, G, and H. Where the parts also fit earlier models of Big Ben Loud, the earlier model numbers are listed under the heading "Model".

The Model E was in production at the outbreak of World War II and some were made right after the war before production was started on Model 48G. As Models E and G are similar in appearance, the model E is illustrated.

Note: We refer to Big Ben Loud Model 48E as style 5a. Big Ben Loud Model 48G is thinner (the same thickness as the style 5 Big Ben Chime Alarm) and is called style 5. Model 48H is the style 6 Big Ben Loud Alarm.

A helpful Hint

How to Clean a Westclox

After removing the movement from the case, remove the hands, dial, hairspring wedge and balance wheel. (When the mainspring is encased in a barrel, remove it from the movement before washing the movement. - Clean separately. Place the movement in the cleaning solution and permit it to soak for ten or fifteen minutes. Then thoroughly brush out with a stiff brush while still being held in the solution.

Some watchmakers use two receptacles. The first to get out the worst dirt and the second for a rinse.

The best way to dry a movement is with compressed air, but, when this is not available, set aside to dry thoroughly before repairing.

A helpful Hint

When was it made

Each Westclox clock and watch carries a manufacturing date on either the front or back movement plate. The first number designates the month and last number the year. When there is doubt about the part wanted, give the name of the clock or watch and the manufacturing date when ordering parts.

Big Ben is the best known name in the Westclox family of timepieces. The Big Ben Loud Alarm has the conventional teck and fire bell call, the Chime Alarm has the quiet tick and the "First he whispers - then he shouts" alarm and then there is the Big Ben Electric with its special fdeatures. More clocks carrying the Westclox Big Ben name have been manufaqctured and sold thah of any other brand name. Naturally in time more Big Ben come back for repair. Repairing them is pleasurable and profitable business. And this catalog makes the ordering of repair parts easy.

A helpful Hint

Interchangeable Parts

Many Westclox parts are interchangeable. A part is only numbered once so regardless of where it is used it carries the same number. There are over eleven hundred numbers in the catalog.

Big Ben Chime Alarm

A helpful Hint

Replacing Broken Time and Alarm Springs in Big Ben Chime Alarm

Attach the outer hole-end of the time spring to the hook in the time bridge barrek. Work coils of spring back into the barrel.

There is no barrel to hold the alarm spring. Take off the stop finger nut and the stop finger. Remove the pillar nut that holds one side of the alarm bridge. Take out the three alarm bridge screws. Take the alarm bridge and the alarm main wheel out of the movement.

Reassemble alarm main wheel with new spring. Wind the spring fully and replace the stop finger so that the finger fits into the last notch in stop cam when stop cam arm is over hammer pivot. If slabbing to allow stop finger to fall into this notch, the alarm spring should run down enough to allow it to fall in.

A helpful Hint

Loose Alarm Trip Friction in Clocks with Threaded Alarm Sets

This trouble is usually caused by a bump or fall. To remedy, unscrew the alarm set, hold the trip staff with a pair of flatnosed pliers and tighten the fricion nut with another pair of pliers.

A helpful Hint

Loose Friction Alarm Trip in Big Ben Loud and Big Ben Chime that have Staked Alarm Sets

In these clocks the loose trip friction is usually caused by an accident-a bump or a fall. If the trip staff is bent or damaged, the staff and the friction washer should be replaced. If the parts are not damaged, detatch the three screws to remove front case, then place clock face down and support alarm indicator on steel bench block. Block must be high enough so as not to ruin hands or dial. While holding clock, supported by indicator on block, tap a few times on alarm set knob until proper friction is obtained. If friction is drawn up too tight, alarm should be tapped lightly until loosened, but the bench block should not be used.

A helpful Hint

Broken Balance Points

The most satisfactory way to repair a clock with worn or broken balance points, is to replace the balance wheel. Balance points may be repointed by chucking staff in lathe and using a fine grain abrasive stone and oil. In sharpening balance points, be sure to maintain the original angle.

To assure getting the right parts, parts should be ordered by quantity, stock number, name of clock, model number, name of part and part used number.

A helpful Hint

When in Doubt

Check the name and model number of the clock; compare the drawings with the part; look for the stock number. If still in doubt send the old part.

Baby Ben

A helpful Hint

Baby Ben Construction Change

On first production of models, 61V and 61W, switch staffs had a groove turned in one end. There are no more of these available. Make repairs by substituting switch staffs (black clock 61V, Sta-3466; ivory clock 61W, Sta-3470) as listed and illustrated. Also change to current design trip springs (Spr-3434) as the old ones will not engage the new staffs properly.

A helpful Hint

To Refinish Luminous Dials and Hands

The coating of luminous dials and hands is not done in the Westclox factory and, therefore, luminous compound is not sold in the Westclox material department. Where luminous dials or hands need recoating, it is more satisfactory to order new parts.

Some watchmakers find it restful to turn for an hour from jeweled watch repairing to repairing clocks. —Particulalry Westclox

A helpful Hint

How to Fix loose Center Friction

Take the movement from the case, rest the back plate on a bench block or jeweler's anvil with with shaft free, but close to the block. Insert slotted wedge between the center wheel collect and the back plate. Then, tap the upper end of the shaft with a hammer to tighten the friction. Test the movement to see that all parts are working freely.

A helpful Hint

How to Stake on the Hands

To make the alarm ring at the time set, the alarm indicator should be staked on first. After this is done, turn the hand set counter clockwise until the indicator has moved around the dial at least once and then set on six. Next stake the hour hand on so that it points to the numeral six. Then the minute hand so that it points to the numeral twelve. Wind both the alarm and time spring. Set the alarm with the alarm set. Then move the hour and minute hands with the hand set to test the alarm and make sure that it rings within five minutes of the time for which it is set.

A helpful Hint

Should Parts Not Fit

Improvements in construction are made from time to time. Sometimes the improvements make it necessary to change several parts. Should one get a part that will not fit the timepiece, send the new part and the old part to the factory. The needed part will be supplied if it is available.

A helpful Hint

A Remedy for Enlarged Pivot Holes

Plates with enlarged pivot holes should be replaced with new ones but when a new plate is not available, place the old plate in a jeweler's staking set and, using a hole-closing punch, tap with a small hammer to reduce the size of the pivot hole. Then ream out the hole to the desired diameter.

A helpful Hint

Remittance with Order

Repair material is not sold from the factory to the retailer on an open account or C. O. D. basis. Where the order is placed with the factory a remittance to cover the cost of the material, postage and, tax where in order, should accompany the order.

A helpful Hint

How Close to Observatory Time Should an Alarm Clock Run

New spring-driven alarm clocks should keep time within two minutes a day. Most of them will keep even closer time, but one can hardly expect an alarm clock to keep observatory time. There is some leeway on the regulator, so usually by moving the regulator a little each day for several days, a clock can be brought to a very close timekeeping range. After reparing a clock, it is well to run it for two or three days to get as close regulation as possible.

A helpful Hint

How to Adjust a Balance Screw for Proper Balance End Shake

The balance screw should not hold the balance wheel too tight nor yet too loose-but just right.

Tighten the balance screw gently until the balance wheel runs freely with a very little end-shake.

(Caution should be exercised so as not to crush the balance points by overtightening.)

A helpful Hint

Everybody Knows How to Set a Clock

It is always best to set the hands of a clock clockwise. That is, turn them forward. Setting the hands counter clockwise-turning them backwards-may cause trouble.

If the hour and minute hands are turned back of the position for which the alarm hand is set, the dial train is forced into reverse.This strain does not do the clock any good and it may cause much harm. This will also change the alarm indicator setting if turned far enough.

A helpful Hint

To Adjust Clock That is Out of Beat

Take the movement out of the case, and by stopping the power of the train the lever will then come to rest. While holding the balance wheel, rotate hairspring collect with small bladed screwdriver or similar tool until the lever horn and impulse pin are on the same center line, clock will then be in beat.

A helpful Hint

When Replacing a Ratchet Wheel Spring in the 66 Series

It is easy to replace a ratchet spring in a time main wheel or alarm main wheel provided the smaller loop-end is inserted first. Then after this is done, bring the larger loop-end around and drop it in place.

A helpful Hint

Before the Job is Lost

"For the loss of a shoe the horse was lost. For the loss of a horse the rider was lost. For the loss of a rider the battle was lost." How many repair jobs are lost becuase needed parts are not in stock?

A helpful Hint

How to Replace a Broken Model 66 Time Spring

Take out the pillar screw between the time and alarm springs and the screw to the right of the time spring. Remove balance wheel. Spread plates slightly to lossen top of shaft of time main wheel from front plate pivot hole. Insert screwdriver under time main wheel to work out lower end of shaft from pivot hole in back plate. (Note the position of the time spring loop over the pillar.) Turn the time spring loop on an angle and slide it over the top of the pillar to remove the time spring form the movement.

Slide the loop of the new time spring over the pillar. Attach the hole-end of the time spring to the hook on the time main wheel shaft. Insert the top of the time main wheel in the front plate pivot hole and work back lower end. (Be careful not to bend the movement plates when spreading them.) Replace balance wheel and pillar screws.

A helpful Hint

How to Replace a Broken Model 66 Alarm Spring

To remove the alarm spring, take out the pillar screw between the time and the alarm spring and the pillar screw that fits in the pillar over the alarm spring loop. Spread the plate up slightly over the hammer pivot to take out the alarm escape wheel. Spread the plate again to work out the alarm main wheel and alarm spring following a similar procedure to that suggested for the time main wheel and time spring removal. Reverse the order to replace the parts.

A helpful Hint

When Uncasing Bingo

There is a slot in the base of the Bingo. To remove the bezel, insert the blade of a screwdriver in this slot. Push the bezel out as far as possible from the case. Place a screwdriver, with a square edged blade between the bead on the bezel and the case and pry the bezel off.

A helpful Hint

The Advantage of Staked Sets

By staking on sets in a press, a more uniform tension is secured and there is less chance of loose friction. It has been the practice to stake center turns. Now some of the alarm sets are being staked to the shaft. The result-less loose friction.

A helpful Hint

Need Parts for Old Clocks?

Parts are usually available for clocks made since World War II, a few parts are available for clocks made prior to 1942, but on the whole it is more economial for the customer to buy a new clock than to have a real old one repaired. Making up parts for individual jobs is very expensive.

A helpful Hint

How to Fix Loose Hands

If the hour hand is too loose on the hour wheel bushing, close up the edges of the hour hand bushing with a pair of ordinary pliers before driving on the hour wheel.

Should the minute hand or alarm indicator hand not fit tightly, lay the hand face down on a bench anvil and tap the brass bushing with a hole-closing punch. Then Stake on.

A helpful Hint

Uncasing Clocks That Have Broken Springs

On some of the lower priced Westclox, such as Bingo, the watchmaker occasionally finds difficulty in taking the clock apart because of being unable to remove the winding key due to a broken ratchet spring.

Remove the bezel, glass, hands and dial. Grip the main wheel shaft with a small pair of pliers and remove the key.

A helpful Hint

When Ordering from Factory

When it is necessary to order repair parts direct from the factory, send a remittance to cover the cost of the parts and the estimated postage. Repair material is not sold on an open account or C. O. D. basis.

Pocket Ben

While fewer low-priced watches are offered for repair than alarm clocks, there is profitable watch repair for the watchmaker who organizes to handle it. Having an adequate stock of parts makes servicing easy and quick. This catalog makes it easy to select the parts most often needed.

A helpful Hint

The Reason for Kinks in Hairsprings

The kink in the hairspring of the balance wheel with (vibrated) hairspring units show where to pin the spring with the hairspring wedge.

A helpful Hint

To Replace a Watch Stem

Take off the back, loosen, the shipper lock screw, invert the movement so the shipper will release from the stem.

(On Pocket Ben it is necessary to pull the shipper-shaft outward until stem is released. A groove is provided in the end of the shipper-shaft for this.)

Insert a new stem with crown, making sure that the stem and shipper are properly engaged, then replace shipper lock screw.

When ordering parts

Most watchmakers secure Westclox repair parts from their regular material wholesaler but when needed parts are not available, they may be ordered direct from the factorfactory on a cash-in-advance basis. If the parts are not available at the factory, the payment will be returned.


The first postwar Scotty was Model 6F. This was followed in a short time by Model 6G. As few of the first model were made in comparison to the second model, most of the calls today are for parts for the second model (6G). In this catalog the 6G parts have been featured but when the identical part was used in the 6F, it is listed.

A helpful Hint

In Writing Orders

Westclox repair material cannot be assorted to get the quantity discount. Should one, for instance, order a quarter dozen each of four different glasses one would have to pay the quarter dozen price on each style not the dozen lot price for the lot. This rule is necessary because of the cost of handling.

A helpful Hint

Factory Made vs Handmade Parts

A watchmaker is trained to turn out parts on his lathe and to make most any material he may need to service a watch. He can do this in an emergency but it is more economical to install new factory made parts as a study of the prices quoted in this catalog will readily show.

Series W1 - Wrist Watches

Judge - La Salle - Wrist Ben

The series W1 - Judge, La Salle and Wrist Ben - have ave many parts in common. In this catalog the three watched have been treated as a unit so the watchmaker can see which parts duplicate and thereby keep his stock of repair parts to the minimum. Where the word "All" appears under the heading "Model", the part is used on all three models. The parts are illustrated by line drawings to make identification of parts easy. Drawings are as near actual size as it was possible to make them.

The Wrist Ben listed and ilustrated is the Model introduced in 1950.

Some of the watch parts listed will fit prewar models but due to the years of service, it is usually not economical to repair most prewar watches so data regarding them have not been included in this catalog.

A helpful Hint

How to Remove Oil from a Hairspring

When oil gets into the hairspring coil,a timepiece will run fast. Remove the balance whel from the movement, wash thoroughly in cleaning soution, dry and reassemble.

A helpful Hint

To Tighten Center Wheel Friction on W1

Remove either the barrel or the balance wheel. Slide a tapered fork under the center wheel collet and lightly tap center wheel shaft on front plate side.

A helpful Hint

To Replace the Balance Wheel on W1

Push the regulator to the extreme slow side of the regulator index. Turn the balance screw back as far as possible without removing it from the plate. Insert the balance wheel in the balance screw, then straighten the wheel up so that the other point aligns itself with the balance stud and then tighten the balance screw to obtain proper edshake on balance wheel.

A helpful Hint

To Reft Dust Seal on W1

The dust seal must be inserted with the forming to the front plate side (dial side) to insure proper setting of hands.

A helpful Hint

When Fitting Unbreakable Watch Crystals

When fitting an unbreakable crystal in a bezel, the cryatal must be cupped under pressure to reduce the diameter until it is slightly less than the crystal seat in the bezel. Insert the crystal in the bezel and release the pressure. This allows the crystal to expand and anchor itself securely in the bezel.

A helpful Hint

How to adjust a Balance Screw for Proper Balance End Shake

The balance screw should not hold the balance wheel too tight nor yet too loose-but just right.

Tighten the balance screw gently until the balance wheel runs freely with very little end-shake.

(Caution should be exercised so as not to crush the balance points by overtightening.)

A helpful Hint

When Perseverance Counts

It's often the little things that count. A speck of lint will stop a watch. A slight nudge of the regulator will speed-up or slow down the time. In repairing watches everything must turn out just right if one is to satisfy the customer.

A helpful Hint

Self-starting Motors

Westclox electric clocks have self-starting motors. They start immediately when connected to the proper electric current and run until the current is interrupted. While usually trouble-free for a number of years, they often need servicing before they are completely worn out. Helpful hints for doing this work will be found on the following pages.

A helpful Hint

Cleaning, Oiling and Greasing Westclox Electric Clocks

The procedure is much the same as that followed in spring-driven clocks except not only clock oil but some grease is used in spots where a heavier lubrocant is required. Clean thoroughly and use clock oil and grease in the right places.

Remove dials, hands, and motors before placing the movements in the cleaning solution. Permit the movements, to remain in the cleaning solution for 10 to 15 minutes. Then use an air blast to dry or set the movements aside to dry thoroughly. Reoil with a good grade of clock oil and a light grease or white vaseline where the heavier lubricant is needed.

If it is necessary to clean the bearings of the motor, the clock should be returned to Westclox for proper cleaning and relubricating.

The bakelite wheel should be lubricated with a light grease or white vaseline mixed with oil, the consistency being so that the grease will not run. Apply this mixture to four or five places on the teeth of the wheel and run the clock for 15 or 20 minutes after assembling so that the grease will be properly distributed. Clock oil should be used on the remainder of the movement.

A helpful Hint

Electric Clocks Are Easy To Repair

Not too many years ago, many watchmakers felt that the repairing of electric clocks was out of their field. Now that most watchmakers find that it is just as easy to repair an electric clock as a spring-driven clock.

There have been many advancements made in the manufacture of electric closk. Parts have been standardized to fit several models and parts have been available through wholesale material dealers from coast to coast as well as from the factory.

A helpful Hint

Short Alarm Ring on Big Ben Electric

Should the alarm sound for less than twenty seconds, give the alarm winding knob six or seven complete turns, or connect to current for twelve hours. Then if the alarm will not ring for at least twenty seconds, look for a broken spring.

A helpful Hint

Short Alarm Ring on Big Ben Electric

Should the alarm sound for less than twenty seconds, give the alarm winding knob six or seven complete turns, or connect to current for twelve hours. Then if the alarm will not ring for at least twenty seconds, look for a broken spring.

A helpful Hint

When Customer Objects to Cord Showing

There are a number of models of electric wall clock hanger outlets on the market that can be installed in the wall right where the wall clock is to be hung. The outlets fit flush with the wall and completely hide the cords. There is a hanger on yhe outlet to hold the clock. Most electric shops carry these outlets in stock. (Westclox has none to sell.)

Here's an artist's sketch of a flush wall hanger outlet.

A helpful Hint

In Ordering Coils

In Westclox electric clocks, the coils vary as to size and wire specifications, depending on the requirments of the clock. To make sure you get the right coil, make it a point to mention the name and model number, voltage and cycle, all of which appear on the face or back of the clock. This catalog lists the proper stock number for each coil.

In some instances the same coil fits several models. When this is the case, the same stock number is listed before the name of each model.

A helpful Hint

When Removing Moonbeam Movement from Case

Set all hands on twelve before starting to remove the movement from the case.-Less chance of damaging the hands.

A helpful Hint

When Adjusting Flasher On Moonbeam

If lamp fails to light and is not burned out, check the pressure on contact points. Hold the clock so the numeral 3 is at 12 o'clock position. The light should function satisfactorily in this position. If it does not, the stationary contact should be bent slightly to produce proper contact pressure.

A helpful Hint

Contact Pressure for Moonbeam

The question is sometimes asked, "What is suitable contact pressure"?-Suitable contact pressure is when the moveable contact spring presses the stationary contact spring with enough force to move it slightly.

A helpful Hint

To Adjust the Flasher and Buzzer Interval on Moonbeam

When the buzzer armature drops into the small notch on the perifery of the trip cam, the movable flasher spring arm should be inserted in the vertical portion of the spring at the extreme end. Then the spring can be bent to the left or to the right, to get the spring to just pass the end of the flasher cam. This being done correctly, the flasher light will flash two to six minutes before the buzzer starts.

A helpful Hint

To Adjust the Buzzer Alarm on Moonbeam

Moonbeam has two magnet brackets. The buzzer plate should be adjusted to approximately the same air gap on both magnet brackets. Increasing or decreasing the air gap will determine the loudness of the alarm. This can be done by either bending the magnet bracket ir buzzer plate. If buzzer plate is to be bent, do not overbend.

A helpful Hint

When in a Hurry for a Moonbeam Lamp

Moonbeam takes a Westinghouse T8 25 watt 120 volt candelabra bayonet, double contact base, clear lamp bulb which should be available in most any electric shop.

Of course, they are listed in this catalog and may be ordered from the material wholesaler or direct from the factory.

See PDF of the complete catalog.

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Recommended Reading
Bill's Clockworks:
Chime, Mantel, and Wall Clocks for Sale
400 Day (Anniversary) Clock Repair
My Clock Information Blog:
Westclox History Articles
Clocks I've Repaired
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