Mr. Hackman headed Office Force of five, (including himself).
Safety Idea formed-later under Mr. F. W. Matthiessen a Safety Committee was formed.
3500 complete units per day.
2/13 -Temperature dropped to 24° below zero.
Men's Basketball Team organized.
October 13, 1908 Board of directors resolved to change company name to Western Clock Co. (but the change was not approved until 1912)
Pocket Watch production for Peru Plow and Wheel Company.
(Plow & Wheel Company printed on the dial)
Western Clock Company Athletic Association
Western Clock Company Fire Department
First put on the market and first advertised in the Saturday Evening Post magazine.
(The name Big Ben was selected for this powerful clock, because of the well known Big Ben clock located in the House of Parliament in England.....This clock was nicknamed 'Big Ben' after Benjamin Hall, England - Commissioner of Public Works. As clock struck the hours, people would say "There speaks Big Ben', and so the name originated.)
This was the forerunner of Baby Ben.
Jerry Roach, Foreman Big Ben Department (started 1898, retired 1946)
Charles Keenan, Foreman "Little Ben" Department (st. 1897, ret. 1946)
June 11, 1912 Stockholders approve name change to Western Clock Co. (the name change had been proposed by the board in 1908)
Wooden Water Tank was built, holding 35,000 gallons of water for factory use - including drinking water and fires. This tank was later dismantled in 1928.
E. Roth was Secretary and General Manager at this time.
Foreman's Club
Chauffers were Bill Morris and Doyle Gudgel from the Traffic Department. (Bill Morris, at the time he was appointed the Westclox chauffer, was given the job because he knew how to drive. Job consisted of-
Take home persons who were ill - (A cot could be placed in the back).
Carry finished clock to Railroad Station.
Haul Raw Material.
Paydays - Iron safe was chained to the floor in the truck as money for payday was carried from the Bank. Employees were paid in Gold. Two men were appointed as Guards on these particular trips.
15,000 units per day
(Western Clock Company was a pioneer in the Safety Program for the nation.)
W. Shields (Shipping, then to Sales Dept.)
L. Lawson (Buffing)
W. Duncan (Automatic Screw Dept.)
H. Scholle (Power Press)
H. Robinson (Automatic Casting Dept.)
Robert Acton (Store Dept.) Committee Chairman
J. Hausch (Watch Case Dept.)
Life insurance was given free to workers employed over six months. Total not to exceed $2,000, minimum $300.)
F. W. Matthiessen, Jr. (son of Founder of Western Clk. Co.) was elected Director - (In 1923 then elected 1st V.P. )
Serve with -
F. W. Matthiessen, Sr.
Captain George Blow
E. Roth
Quarter Century CLub organized (15 members)
(See next page)
War ended.
Basic Soldier's pay - Private U.S.A. - $475/year - or minimum $30.00/month, $36.00/foreign service.
Great Britain - $7.50/month
France - 2.00/month
Germany - 3.00/month
A U.S.A. Corporal was paid a total of $36.00/month - foreign duty $43.20.
"Westclox" Trade Name first used in advertising to make line known -
Models in the line -
Big Ben, Baby Ben, Sleepmeter, America
E. Roth (1889) 1889
H. E. Hackman 1890
J. Klein 1887
R. Paton 1886
O. Senftleben 1891
T. Strohm 1892
B. Reeve 1888
R. Nelson 1892
J. Wolfe 1890
G. Hoenschied 1891
W. Bishop 1887
F. Holsinger 1887
Rebecca Barker 1888
Mary O'Brien 1895
Anna Behrens 1887
1,830 - then 1916
E. Roth - V.P. and General Manager
H. E. Hackman - Secretary and General Mgr.
R. L. Hughes - Treasurer
W. S. Hawthorne - Superintendent
(Geo. P. Blow - President - already in office)
G. P. Blow
W. S. Hawthorne
R. L. Hughes
F. W. Matthiessen
R. W. Matthiessen
E. Roth
E. C. Roth
Machinists Training School
Tool Training (under Sewery)
Cooperative Weather Observation Station (using instruments furnished by the Government). Daily readings were made and furnished to the news media, etc. (posted throughout the plant).
Western Clock Co. Canada, Incorporated in 1919 as a subsidiary of the LaSalle
Peru Plant
General Manager - J. H. Vernor (Sandwich , Ill.)