Westclox Patents

Showing 1-20 of 218 items.
TitleNo.DateSummaryTypeCategoryCompanyInventorIn UseCountry
Manufacture of Clock Works 3266021885-09-22Manufacture of Clock WorksThe basic Westclox manufacturing process where brass and steel parts are fastened together by an all . . . UtilityClock TechnologyUser: WestcloxStahlberg, CharlesUnited States
Manufacture of Shafts and Pinions for Clock Works 3556241887-01-04Manufacture of Shafts and Pinions for Clock WorksCasting machine for wheel-pinion assemblyUtilityClock & Watch ManufacturingUser: WestcloxStahlberg, CharlesUnited States
Stem Winding and Setting Watch 5429841895-07-23Stem Winding and Setting WatchWatch Number 1, in which you push in the crown to set the hands.UtilityWindup WatchAssignee: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
Blessing, JohnUnited States
Clock CaseDes. 247361895-10-08Clock CaseThe FW or Ironclad case. This is actually the F. W. 1 smooth front case, that hasn't been seen yet.DesignClock CaseUser: WestcloxRoth, ErnstUnited States
Alarm Clock 6689681901-02-26Alarm ClockThe idea for the 20th Century Alarm that Western Clock Mfg. Company made around 1900 to 1901.UtilityWindup Clock,
Alarm Mechanism for a Clock
User: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
United States
Lantern Pinion 7123251902-10-28Lantern PinionThe Westclox type of wheel-pinion assembly of steel pins, steel pivot wire and brass wheel held toge . . . UtilityClock TechnologyAssignee: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
Neureuther, AndrewUnited States
Machine for Manufacturing and Mounting Pinions and Wheels 7828691905-02-21Machine for Manufacturing and Mounting Pinions and . . .Machine to form pinions of the molded together type.UtilityClock & Watch ManufacturingAssignee: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
Neureuther, AndrewUnited States
Clock CaseDes. 374991905-07-25Clock CaseCase for the Art Series No. 267 clock.DesignClock CaseUser: WestcloxLawson, StanleyUnited States
Clock FrameDes. 375181905-08-29Clock FrameCase for the Art Series No. 271 clockDesignClock CaseUser: WestcloxLawson, StanleyUnited States
Clock FrameDes. 375321905-09-05Clock FrameCase for the Art Series No. 269 clockDesignClock CaseUser: WestcloxLawson, StanleyUnited States
Clock FrameDes. 375331905-09-05Clock FrameCase for the Art Series No. 272 clockDesignClock CaseUser: WestcloxLawson, StanleyUnited States
Clock FrameDes. 375401905-09-12Clock FrameCase for the Art Series No. 268 clock.DesignClock CaseUser: WestcloxLawson, StanleyUnited States
Clock FrameDes. 375411905-09-12Clock FrameCase for the Art Series No, 270 clockDesignClock CaseUser: WestcloxLawson, StanleyUnited States
Machine for Feeding and Operating Disks 8063591905-12-05Machine for Feeding and Operating DisksMachine to form pinions of the molded together type.UtilityClock & Watch ManufacturingAssignee: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
Neureuther, AndrewUnited States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 518541906-04-24Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesLA SALLITATrademarkOwner: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
1895-01-01United States
Clock FrameDes. 379721906-05-01Clock FrameCase for the "Windsor" two inch clockDesignClock CaseUser: WestcloxLawson, StanleyUnited States
Clock FrameDes. 379731906-05-01Clock FrameCase for the "Balmoral" two inch clockDesignClock CaseUser: WestcloxLawson, StanleyUnited States
Clock FrameDes. 379741906-05-01Clock FrameCase for the "Potsdam" two inch clock.DesignClock CaseUser: WestcloxLawson, StanleyUnited States
Clock FrameDes. 379751906-05-01Clock FrameCase for the "Ormond" three inch clockDesignClock CaseUser: WestcloxLawson, StanleyUnited States
Barrel Click Spring For Timepieces 8207941906-05-15Barrel Click Spring For TimepiecesThe double-ended one-piece spring-click assemblyUtilityWindup ClockAssignee: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
Klein, JosephUnited States
Showing 1-20 of 218 items.