Westclox Patents

Showing 61-80 of 218 items.
TitleNo.DateSummaryTypeCategoryCompanyInventorIn UseCountry
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 787511910-07-05Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesPicture of rooster for use on boxes.TrademarkOwner: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
1908-09-01United States
Trade-mark for Clocks 790891910-08-02Trade-mark for ClocksMONITORTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
1910-03-23United States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 798741910-10-11Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesGOOD MORNINGTrademarkUser: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
1910-06-15United States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 798751910-10-11Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesBabyTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
1910-06-02United States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 805031910-12-27Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesSLEEPMETERTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
1910-08-01United States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 806271911-01-10Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesBULL'S EYETrademarkOwner: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
1909-11-01United States
Casing for Alarm ClocksDes. 417251911-08-29Casing for Alarm ClocksThe style 1 Big Ben and Baby Ben clock case.DesignClock CaseAssignee: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
Kern, GeorgeUnited States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 838771911-10-17Trade-mark for Clocks and Watchesbaby BenTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
1910-06-02United States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 863561912-04-30Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesTHE LOOKOUTTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
1911-09-05United States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 873881912-07-09Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesLITTLE BENTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
1912-03-04United States
Clock Spring Barrel 10330201912-07-16Clock Spring BarrelGoing barrel with easily removed cover (bayonet mount).UtilityWindup ClockAssignee: Western Clock Manufacturing Company;
User: Westclox
Kern, GeorgeUnited States
Safety Device for Presses 10446961912-11-19Safety Device for PressesThe head of the foot-controlled press will not descend until the operator's left and right hands eac . . . UtilityClock & Watch ManufacturingAssignee: Western Clock Company (the second one, 1912 - 1936);
User: Westclox
Senftleben, OttoUnited States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 900711913-01-28Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesBUENOS DIASTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Company (the second one, 1912 - 1936);
User: Westclox
1911-11-17United States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 910541913-04-08Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesBENTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Company (the second one, 1912 - 1936);
User: Westclox
1912-10-28United States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 912821913-04-22Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesTOM THUMBTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Company (the second one, 1912 - 1936);
User: Westclox
1912-11-14United States
Clock 10736081913-09-23ClockClock case in which it is easy to withdraw the movement, by loosening the pendant and legs.UtilityWindup ClockAssignee: Western Clock Company (the second one, 1912 - 1936);
User: Westclox
Kern, GeorgeUnited States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 936211913-09-30Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesTHE BELLBOYTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Company (the second one, 1912 - 1936);
User: Westclox
1913-05-29United States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 936221913-09-30Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesOLD FAITHFULTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Company (the second one, 1912 - 1936);
User: Westclox
1913-06-01United States
Alarm Clock 10788581913-11-18Alarm ClockRotary alarm hammer strikes a plurality of bells.UtilityAlarm Mechanism for a ClockAssignee: Western Clock Company (the second one, 1912 - 1936);
User: Westclox
Kern, GeorgeUnited States
Trade-mark for Clocks and Watches 931831914-02-03Trade-mark for Clocks and WatchesBINGOTrademarkOwner: Western Clock Company (the second one, 1912 - 1936);
User: Westclox
1913-08-01United States
Showing 61-80 of 218 items.