Alarm Clock
Rotary alarm hammer strikes a plurality of bells.
Patent Dates
Application Date:
1912-10-21 Issue Date:
Patent Numbers
Patent Number:
1078858 Serial Number:
Attorney is Michael J. Starn, Atty, & Sons.
Quoting paragraph 5: "The essence of my invention resides in the arrangement of a plurality of alarm bells mounted at the back of a typical alarm clock of present day manufacture, said bells being arranged within each other and sounding by a common striker. Releasing mechanism permitting the striker to operate at a predetermined time has no part in this invention, as any of the present releasing devices may be employed; nor has the usual clock train of springs, escapements, gears, and clock hands any direct bearing and these parts are therefore eliminated from the drawing; it being understood that any typical clock train may be used.
Inventor Information:
George Kern, Of Peru, Illinois, Assignor To The Western Clock Co., Of La Salle, Illinois, A Corporation Of Illinois.
Patent Type:
Patent Country:
United States
Patent Category:
Alarm Mechanism for a Clock
Patent Companies
Western Clock Company (the second one, 1912 - 1936) User:
Patent Personnel
Kern, George Witness:
Sweeney, John Witness:
Cooper, A. W. Witness:
Cox, William Witness:
Link, H. A.
Patent URLs:
U.S. Patent Database; Google Patents