Alarm Clock
A repeating alarm clock where the time between rings may be set from about 3 to 8 minutes.
Patent Dates
Application Date:
1938-06-17 Issue Date:
Patent Numbers
Patent Number:
2216523 Serial Number:
The alarm shutoff knob has 3 positions. The outward position is the "permanent shutoff." The middle position is to set the alarm to ring. Pushing the knob to the inward position activates the repeat (or snooze in modern terminology) and stops the alarm for the predetermined time. The shutoff knob returns to the middle position.
Inventor Information:
Max Schlenker, Peru, Ill., assignor to General Time Instruments Corporation, New York, N, Y,, a corporation of Delaware.
Patent Type:
Patent Country:
United States
Patent Category:
Alarm Mechanism for a Clock
General Time Instruments Corporation
Schlenker, Max
Patent URLs:
U.S. Patent Database; Google Patents