Clock & Watch Catalog Page: 1961 Belknap Hardware and Manufacturing Company Catalog > 2747




The clock and watch pages.

Document Type:

Catalog > Page

Models in this Document:

Westclox Ballet Series Round Debutante Design Holland Suede Strap
Westclox Coquette 659 Ladies Watch
Westclox Coquette Black Gold Brocade
Westclox Scepter 35041 Leather Strap Second Hand
Westclox Scepter 35043 Metal Band Second Hand
Westclox Wrist Ben Style 5 Leather Strap Luminous Dial
Westclox Wrist Ben Style 5 Leather Strap Plain Dial

This document is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.

Id Filtered: 8657; Displayed Document Id: 8657; Parent Document Id: 8634; Document Id Hierarchy: 8634 > 8657; This Document's Companies: Westclox; s_date (this document or parents): 1961-01-01; d_date (this document or parents): 1961; integer_page_num (this document or parents): 2747; text_page_num (this document or parents): 2747; Url: 1.