Clock & Watch Catalog Page: Waterbury Clock Company, 1909 - 1910 Catalog, Canada > 75


1909 - 1910


Clock Illustrated Catalog and Price List of Waterbury Clocks and Bronze Ornaments, 1909 - 1910, P. W. Ellis & Co. Limited, Canadian Selling Agents, Toronto, 31 and 33 Wellington Street East, Montreal - - - Canada Life Building, Canada.

Document Type:

Catalog > Page

This document is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.

Id Filtered: 6857; Displayed Document Id: 6857; Parent Document Id: 6781; Document Id Hierarchy: 6781 > 6857; Parent Documents' Companies: Waterbury Clock; s_date (this document or parents): 1909-01-01; d_date (this document or parents): 1909 - 1910; integer_page_num (this document or parents): 75; text_page_num (this document or parents): 75; Url: 1.