Clock & Watch Catalog Page: 1930 Westclox Color Brochure; Western Clock Company; La Salle; Illinois; USA > 1930s-colors-2




Shows Big Ben and Baby Ben style 2 nickel, Big Ben and Baby Ben style 1, Ben Hur nickel, Country Club, Pocket Ben and Dax pocket watches, Tiny Tim, Tom Thumb, Auto Clock, Sleep Meter, America, Big Ben and Baby Ben style 2 crackle, Baby Ben style 2 solid pink, Dura Case non-luminous series, Ben Hur style 1 in solid colors.

I estimate the date as 1930 because of the clocks it shows.

Document Series:

Westclox Catalog

Document Type:

Catalog > Page

Models in this Document:

Westclox America Style 2a Blue
Westclox America Style 2a Green
Westclox America Style 2a Nickel
Westclox America Style 2a Nickel Luminous
Westclox America Style 2a Red
Westclox Auto Clock Luminous
Westclox Auto Clock Plain
Westclox Country Club Pocket Watch
Westclox Dax Style 1a
Westclox Pocket Ben Style 2 Plain
Westclox Sleepmeter Style 1 Plain
Westclox Tiny Tim Blue Crackle
Westclox Tiny Tim Green Crackle
Westclox Tiny Tim Old Rose Crackle
Westclox Tiny Tim Orchid
Westclox Tiny Tim Walnut
Westclox Tiny Tim Yellow Crackle
Westclox Tom Thumb Blue
Westclox Tom Thumb Green
Westclox Tom Thumb Old Rose

This document is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.

Id Filtered: 241; Displayed Document Id: 241; Parent Document Id: 57; Document Id Hierarchy: 57 > 241; Parent Documents' Companies: Westclox; s_date (this document or parents): 1930-07-01; d_date (this document or parents): 1930; integer_page_num (this document or parents): 2; text_page_num (this document or parents): 1930s-colors-2; Url: 1.