Clock & Watch Catalog Page: 1909 - 1910 Seth Thomas Clock Company Catalog No. 675 > 61


September 1, 1909


Seth Thomas clock catalog (and one page of watches), 96 pages, dated September 1st, 1909, Manufacturers of Clocks, Watches and Tower Clocks, Factories Thomaston, Conn. There are numerous illustrations of clocks which have been stamped in red with the word “DISCONTINUED”.

This copy was sold on eBay at the same time as Supplement No 686 (October 1, 1911, To go with catalog No. 675, 9.25 x 12.5 inches, 16 pages). The back of the Supplement shows a listing of the clocks which have been discontinued in Catalog 675 AND offers to send a Marked 675 Catalogue showing the clocks stamped discontinued. Unfortunately, I was unable to obtain the supplement for my library.

Document Series:

Seth Thomas Catalog

Document Type:

Catalog > Page

This document is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.

Id Filtered: 1785; Displayed Document Id: 1785; Parent Document Id: 1724; Document Id Hierarchy: 1724 > 1785; Parent Documents' Companies: Seth Thomas; s_date (this document or parents): 1909-09-01; d_date (this document or parents): September 1, 1909; integer_page_num (this document or parents): 61; text_page_num (this document or parents): 61; Url: 1.