Clock & Watch Magazine Page: Westclox Tick Talk, November 1959 > 18


November 1959


PERSONNEL: "Westclox Plans To Reopen Horological School" CORPORATE: "Stromberg Now A General Time Division" Under the new set-up all manufacturing operations of General Time Corporation in the United States will be conducted through divisions and its only subsidiaries will be those operating in foreign countries—Westclox Canada Limited, Peterborough, Ontario and Westclox Limited, Strathleven, Scotland. Operating divisions in this country will be the Westclox Division, La Salle-Peru, Illinois; Seth Thomas Clocks Division and Stromberg Division, both located at Thomaston, Connecticut; Haydon Division, Torrington, Connecticut; and Athens Division, Athens, Georgia. General Time Corporation also owns a 50% interest in a Brazilian clock manufacturing company—Relogios Brazil S.A. of Sao Paulo."

Document Series:

Westclox Tick Talk

Document Type:

Magazine > Page

This document is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.

Id Filtered: 12147; Displayed Document Id: 12147; Parent Document Id: 12144; Document Id Hierarchy: 12144 > 12147; Parent Documents' Companies: Westclox; s_date (this document or parents): 1959-11-01; d_date (this document or parents): November 1959; integer_page_num (this document or parents): 18; text_page_num (this document or parents): 18; Url: 1.