Clock & Watch Magazine Page: Westclox Tick Talk, May 5, 1930 (Factory Edition), Vol. 15 No. 21 > 2


May 5, 1930


Article: "An Injustice Exposed"

Document Series:

Westclox Tick Talk

Document Type:

Magazine > Page

Document Text:

Think of the mean and vicious things men do to punish a faithful alarm clock—knocking it off onto the floor, throwing it out the window, chucking it under the water faucet, etc., etc.

Clock manufacturers have investigated the matter. They find that over a million a year are bought by wives to replace those destroyed by husbands in anger. Another million which disappear annually remains a mystery; but they suspect men of taking them under their coats and dropping them in the first vacant lot. A census showed from one to six rusted alarm clocks per vacant lot.

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Id Filtered: 10611; Displayed Document Id: 10611; Parent Document Id: 10609; Document Id Hierarchy: 10609 > 10611; Parent Documents' Companies: Westclox; s_date (this document or parents): 1930-05-05; d_date (this document or parents): May 5, 1930; integer_page_num (this document or parents): 2; text_page_num (this document or parents): 2; Url: 1.