Moonbeam flashing light alarm clock with luminous dial. The alarm buzzes if the light isn't shut off in 10 minutes. Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (plastic) case. Brown or maroon dial.
Document Date: ca. 1950 Document Title: Westclox Canada ca. 1950 Catalog -> 6 Photo Match: Different dial color Model Description: MOONBEAM ELECTRIC ALARM—60 cycle only. An entirely new kind of electric alarm. First he calls you silently with a blinking light that will neither disturb the baby not rouse the rest of the household. If you ignore the light and fail to shut it off within a few minutes, Moonbeam adds to the light a cheerful audible alarm. Gracefully designed white plastic case with a gold cushioned base. 5 1/2 inches high. Current interruption signal. A Westclox exclusive. Plain or luminous dials.
Document Date: ca. 1954 Document Title: Westclox, Canada ca. 1954 Catalog -> 3 Photo Match: Exact Color Photo Model Description: MOONBEAM ELECTRIC ALARM—60 cycle only. A new and entirely different concept in electric alarms. Calls you silently with a blinking light. First call is a light that flashes for several minutes. If the sleeper ignores the light, an audible alarm goes into action. Ideal for the hard-of-hearing. White translucent plastic case, gold-color metal base. Cushioned base. 5" high. Plain and luminous dials.