Westclox Long Alarm Clock
Description: Looks like America or La Salle alarms with alarm ringing for a longer time. Time and alarm keys are further apart. May have been replaced by Strenuous Long alarm.
Model Name: Long Alarm Motive Power: Spring
Model Type: Clock
Company: WestcloxUsage Locations:
Time , Alarm
Case Material: NIckel Plated Brass Height: 6.25 inches Dial Nominal Diameter: 4 inches
Documents Showing the Westclox Long Alarm Clock :
Document Date: 1903Document Title: 1903 Western Clock Mfg. Co. Catalog -> 7 Photo Match: Black and White Photo Model Description: Long Alarm. Rings two minutes continuously. 4 inch dial. Wholesale: $0.60 USD
Document Date: 1904Document Title: 1904 St. L. C. S. W. Co. Catalog -> 14 Photo Match: Black and White Photo Model Description: WESTERN LONG ALARM. The Cheapest Long alarm made. Will ring 2 minutes continuously. 4-inch dial; nickel plated case. Western Clock Co. Retail: $1.25 USD
This item is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.