
Showing 91-120 of 157 items.
Last Name, First NameNotesFull NamesCompanies
Lindenmeijer, ConradNeed to verify last name. Conrad Lindenmeijer Westclox
Link, Anton Anton Link Westclox
Link, H. A. Herman A. Link Westclox
Longan, EdwardWitness on a Stahlberg patent/ Edward E. Longan
MacKenzie, M. S. M. S. MacKenzie Stockham Manufacturing Company
Maier, Erich Erich Maier Westclox
Matthews, Robert Robert C. Matthews Westclox
Matthiessen, Ralph Ralph H. Matthiessen Westclox
Mauritzen, Charles Charles G. Mauritzen Westclox
Meyer, C. C. Meyer Westclox
Meyerhoff, A. A. Meyerhoff Westclox
Miley, David David W. Miley Westclox
Miller, WilliamWitness on patent for 20th Century Alarm, Otto Bartel, no. 668968. William Miller
Mills, NormanInvented the "closed" key for Baby Ben Norman T. Mills Westclox
Moffett, Frank Frank E. Moffett Westclox
Moore, F.Hard to read, is witness on patent 887,835, I may have the name wrong. F. Guy Moore Westclox
Mulreany, C. E.Westclox
Neureuther, AndrewProlific inventor at Western Clock Mfg. Co. and served as patent attorney. Andrew H. Neureuther Westclox
Osborne, Charles Charles H. Osborne Westclox
Parissi, AnthonyCohoes, N.Y. Anthony J. Parissi Westclox
Parker, FrancisWitness on a Ernst Roth design patent Francis W Parker
Paton, William William Paton Westclox
Pennington, G. A,Witness on a Stahlberg patent. G. A. Pennington
Pickles, CharlesWitness on a Stahlberg patent. Charles Pickles
Plinger, C. C. Plinger Westclox
Pomatto, CharlesLiverpool, N.Y. Charles V. Pomatto Westclox
Preiser, Ralph Ralph H. Preiser Westclox
Radtke, William William A. Radtke Westclox
Reinhardt, Joseph Joseph A. Reinhardt Westclox
Reinke, ArthurWitness on drawings of Blessings patent No. 542,984, and on Roth's FW design patent. Authur E. Reinke Westclox
Showing 91-120 of 157 items.