
Showing 2,261-2,280 of 2,362 items.
Unique NameCompanyNamesNum.DateDescriptionStylesLocationTypePowerOther
Westclox Keno Style 6 Silhouette AlmondCompany: WestcloxKeno silhouette15706Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Keno Style 6 Silhouette AlmondKeno Style 6 Silhouette alarm clock in almond. Off-white dial with silhouette of mother and child.Keno Style 6ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Keno Style 6 Country AlmondCompany: WestcloxKeno Country15708Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Keno Style 6 Country AlmondKeno Style 6 "Country" with almond case. White dial with blue numerals and country pattern in center.Keno Style 6ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Keno Style 6 Pastel BlueCompany: WestcloxKeno15211Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Keno Style 6 Pastel BlueKeno Style 6 alarm clock in pastel blue case with white dial. Non-luminous.Keno Style 6ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Keno Style 6 Pastel PinkCompany: WestcloxKeno15213Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Keno Style 6 Pastel PinkKeno Style 6 alarm clock in pastel pink case with pink dial. Non-luminous.Keno Style 6ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Banner Navy Blue DialCompany: WestcloxBanner15179Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Banner Navy Blue Dial"Banner" alarm clock, white case and navy blue dial. In Bingo Style 4 case.Bingo Style 4ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Bonus Almond With Brown DialCompany: WestcloxBonus15224Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Bonus Almond With Brown DialBonus alarm clock in almond plastic case with brown dial.ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Ez Read In Almond Bingo Style 4 CaseCompany: WestcloxEZ Read15136Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Ez Read In Almond Bingo Style 4 CaseEZ Read alarm clock in Bingo Style 4 case. White case, white dial with large luminous numerals.ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Boxer Almond With Blue DialCompany: WestcloxBoxer15198Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Boxer Almond With Blue DialBoxer keywound alarm clock in almond plastic case with blue dial.ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Great Time Quartz BlackCompany: WestcloxGreat Time47304Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Great Time Quartz BlackGreat Time quartz alarm clock in black plastic case.ShelfClockBattery
Westclox Great Time Keywound White With White DialCompany: WestcloxGreat Time15296Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Great Time Keywound White With White DialGreat Time keywound alarm clock in white plastic case with white dial.ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Great Time Keywound White With Denim Look DialCompany: WestcloxGreat Time15298Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Great Time Keywound White With Denim Look . . .Great Time keywound alarm clock in white plastic case with blue denim-look dial.ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Great Time Electric Almond With White DialCompany: WestcloxGreat Time22394Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Great Time Electric Almond With White Dia . . .Great Time electric alarm clock in almond plastic case with white lighted dial.ShelfClockA/C (electric mains powered)
Westclox Great Time Electric Almond With Gold DialCompany: WestcloxGreat Time22396Earliest Doc: 1990Westclox Great Time Electric Almond With Gold DialGreat Time electric alarm clock in almond plastic case with gold lighted dial.ShelfClockA/C (electric mains powered)
Westclox Big Ben Style 9 White Goldtone Luminous White DialCompany: WestcloxBig Ben Deluxe; Big Ben10106Introduced: ca. 1990
Discontinued: October 2000
Earliest Doc: 1990
Westclox Big Ben Style 9 White Goldtone Luminous W . . .White style 9 Big Ben alarm clock with goldtone trim. White luminous dial.Big Ben Style 9ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Big Ben Style 9 Black Case Black Dial Vertical StripesCompany: WestcloxBig Ben Contemporary; Big Ben10114Approximate Date: 1990
Earliest Doc: 1990
Westclox Big Ben Style 9 Black Case Black Dial Ver . . .Black style 9 Big Ben Contemporary alarm clock. Black dial with vertical blue stripes.Big Ben Style 9ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Big Ben Style 9 White Case Gray Dial Vertical Horizontal StripesCompany: WestcloxBig Ben Contemporary; Big Ben10116Approximate Date: 1990
Earliest Doc: 1990
Westclox Big Ben Style 9 White Case Gray Dial Vert . . .White style 9 Big Ben Contemporary alarm clock. Gray dial with vertical and horizontal stripes.Big Ben Style 9ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Big Ben Style 9 Gray Case Gray Dial White Stripes Checkerboard PatternCompany: WestcloxBig Ben Contemporary; Big Ben10118Approximate Date: 1990
Earliest Doc: 1990
Westclox Big Ben Style 9 Gray Case Gray Dial White . . .Gray style 9 Big Ben Contemporary alarm clock. Gray dial with white stripes checkerboard pattern.Big Ben Style 9ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Lady Ben Blossom Big Ben Style 9 White CaseCompany: WestcloxLady Ben Blossom; Big Ben10130Approximate Date: 1990
Earliest Doc: 1990
Westclox Lady Ben Blossom Big Ben Style 9 White Ca . . .White style 9 Lady Ben Blossom (Big Ben size) alarm clock. Dial has horizontal stripes, two tulip blossoms and tulip leaves.Big Ben Style 9ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Lady Ben Blossom Baby Ben Style 9 White CaseCompany: WestcloxLady Ben Blossom; Baby Ben11130Approximate Date: 1990
Earliest Doc: 1990
Westclox Lady Ben Blossom Baby Ben Style 9 White C . . .White style 9 Lady Ben Blossom (Baby Ben size) alarm clock. Dial has horizontal stripes, one blossom and leaves.Baby Ben Style 9ShelfClockSpring
Westclox Lady Ben Trellis Big Ben Style 9 White Slate Blue CaseCompany: WestcloxLady Ben Trellis; Big Ben10132Approximate Date: 1990
Earliest Doc: 1990
Westclox Lady Ben Trellis Big Ben Style 9 White Sl . . .White case with slate blue bezel style 9 Lady Ben Trellis (Big Ben size) alarm clock. White dial has flower pattern.Big Ben Style 9ShelfClockSpring
Showing 2,261-2,280 of 2,362 items.