Virtual Museum Display: Early Big Ben

Big Ben alarm clocks having the first type of dial with backwards curve to the numeral 7, and 1910 examples with the regular dial.

Note: S Date (Sorting Date) is the date of the example in database format, so it can be sorted chronologically. D Date (Display Date) is the date as it is actually stamped on the clock or watch.

Showing 1-6 of 6 items.
ModelNotesCommentS DateD DateVariations
Westclox Big Ben Style 1 NickelNice early original dialNice early original dialMovement 1909-11-10Movement 11 10 9 Dial: 1.1; Back Type: 1908.6; Repeat Lever: B1
Westclox Big Ben Style 1 NickelEarly example with excellent back and fair dial.Early example with excellent back and fair dial.Movement 1909-11-15Movement 11 15 9 Dial: 1.1; Back Type: 1908.6; Repeat Lever: B1
Westclox Big Ben Style 1 Nickel20170903220337ExampleItemPhoto1169.jpgMovement 1910-02-05Movement 2 5 10 Dial: 1.1; Back Type: 1908.6; Repeat Lever: B2
Westclox Big Ben Style 1 Nickel20170903222335ExampleItemPhoto1241.jpgMovement 1910-03-19Movement 3 19 10 Dial: 1.1; Back Type: 1908.6; Repeat Lever: B2
Westclox Big Ben Style 1 NickelDial is a replacement, perhaps this clock should h . . .Dial is a replacement, perhaps this clock should have the standard dial (2.1).Movement 1910-07-22Movement 7 22 10 Dial: 1.1; Back Type: 1908.6; Repeat Lever: D
Westclox Big Ben Style 1 NickelExample I bought on eBay from England. Does not ha . . .Example I bought on eBay from England. Does not have $2.50 price seal on back because it was not sold in the USA.Movement 1911-09-07Movement 9 7 11 Dial: 2.1; Back Type: 1910, 13/11, 13/15, no $2.50
Showing 1-6 of 6 items.