Westclox Documents

Showing 1-20 of 7,692 items.
Document NameDateDescriptionDocument TypeDocument SeriesCompaniesSubjects

The La Salle Clock advertisement, 1891.

August 1st, 1891The La Salle Clock advertisement, 1891."The La Salle Clock, Warranted, Equal to any on the market." Available in alarm or time, prices are . . . AdvertisementWestern Clock Manufacturing CompanyClock & Watch

A. C. B. Jewelers ca. 1895 - 1901 Catalog

ca. 1895 - 1901A. C. B. Jewelers ca. 1895 - 1901 CatalogThe A. C. B. Jewelers' Wholesale Price List, Chicago, Ill. (A. C. Becken)CatalogGilbert, WestcloxClock & Watch

Westclox Tick Talk, July 1942, Vol. 27 No. 7 -> 8

October 5, 1895; July 1942Westclox Tick Talk, July 1942, Vol. 27 No. 7 -> 8Historical Picture: Group employee photo from October 5, 1895. Caption is on page 9.PhotoWestclox Tick TalkWestcloxClock & Watch

Westclox Tick Talk, July 1942, Vol. 27 No. 7 -> 9

October 5, 1895; July 1942Westclox Tick Talk, July 1942, Vol. 27 No. 7 -> 9Historical Picture Caption: October 5, 1895 photo, naming the 63 employees. Six of these were still . . . PageWestclox Tick TalkWestcloxClock & Watch

Graydon Palmer Catalog of Spring 1896

Spring 1896Graydon Palmer Catalog of Spring 1896Graydon Palmer Co. Sellers of general Merchadise. 277 Madison St. and 90 – 98 Market St. Chicago. . . . CatalogWestcloxClock & Watch

Meyers’ Bargain Bulletin November, 1898

Fall Issue, November 1898Meyers’ Bargain Bulletin November, 1898Meyers’ Bargain Bulletin. November, 1898. No. 179. Fall Issue. S. F. Meyers Co., 48 – 50 Maiden . . . CatalogWestcloxClock & Watch

Meyers’ Bargain Bulletin November, 1898 -> 22

Fall Issue, November 1898Meyers’ Bargain Bulletin November, 1898 -> 22PageWestcloxClock & Watch

Meyers’ Bargain Bulletin November, 1898 -> 23

Fall Issue, November 1898Meyers’ Bargain Bulletin November, 1898 -> 23PageWestcloxClock & Watch

Butler Brothers 1899

1899Butler Brothers 1899CatalogAnsonia, Ingraham, Seth Thomas, WestcloxClock & Watch

Butler Brothers 1899 -> 92

1899Butler Brothers 1899 -> 92PageAnsonia, Ingraham, Seth Thomas, WestcloxClock & Watch

Western Clock Mfg. Company Invoice 1899

April 21, 1899Western Clock Mfg. Company Invoice 1899Shows the sale of 400 America alarm clocks to F. Kroeber Clock Company. From the book "Kroeber Clock . . . Company PaperWestern Clock Manufacturing CompanyClock & Watch

ca. 1899 Western Clock Mfg. Co. Advertisement

ca. 1899ca. 1899 Western Clock Mfg. Co. AdvertisementShows Rome, America, La Reine, La Salle, Standard, New York and Chicago calendar alarms, La Sallita, . . . AdvertisementWestern Clock Manufacturing CompanyClock & Watch

Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog

1901Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 CatalogMakers of Reliable Alarm and Time Clocks. Improved Constructions. High Quality. This is a scan of a . . . CatalogWestclox CatalogWestern Clock Manufacturing CompanyClock & Watch

Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 1

1901Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 1PageWestclox CatalogWestern Clock Manufacturing CompanyClock & Watch

Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 2

1901Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 2PageWestclox CatalogWestern Clock Manufacturing CompanyClock & Watch

Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 3

1901Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 3PageWestclox CatalogWestern Clock Manufacturing CompanyClock & Watch

Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 4

1901Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 4PageWestclox CatalogWestern Clock Manufacturing CompanyClock & Watch

Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 5 - 6

1901Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 5 - 6Pages 5 and 6PageWestclox CatalogWestern Clock Manufacturing CompanyClock & Watch

Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 7 - 8

1901Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 7 - 8Pages 7 and 8PageWestclox CatalogWestern Clock Manufacturing CompanyClock & Watch

Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 9

1901Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 9PageWestclox CatalogWestern Clock Manufacturing CompanyClock & Watch
Showing 1-20 of 7,692 items.