Westclox America Style 2a Alarm Clock

Date Summary:

1929 - 1932


Like Style 2 but the alarm shutoff is on side of case (near numerals "1" and "2"). Nickel or painted case.

Style Information:

Nickel plated case with white plain dial or black luminous dial

Painted cases in blue, red and green (and possibly yellow) were introduced in May 1929

There are 6 Models of Westclox America Style 2a Alarm Clock in the database

Westclox Good Morning America Style 2a Blue
Good Morning alarm clock in an America style 2a case. Blue case with gold non-luminous dial.
Dates made: Ca. 1928 - ?
Westclox America Style 2a Blue
America alarm clock Style 2a Blue – alarm shutoff on side of case, gold dial, leg model, top bell, wide rim case front.
Dates made: 1929 - 1932
Westclox America Style 2a Green
America alarm clock Style 2a Green – alarm shutoff on side of case, gold dial, leg model, top bell, wide rim case front.
Dates made: 1929 - 1932
Westclox America Style 2a Nickel
America alarm clock Style 2a Nickel Plain – alarm shutoff on side of case, leg model, top bell, wide rim case front.
Dates made: 1929 - 1932
Westclox America Style 2a Nickel Luminous
America alarm clock Style 2a Nickel Luminous – alarm shutoff on side of case, leg model, top bell, wide rim case front.
Dates made: 1929 - 1932
Westclox America Style 2a Red
America alarm clock Style 2a Red – alarm shutoff on side of case, gold dial, leg model, top bell, wide rim case front.
Dates made: 1929 - 1932

America Style 2a Alarm Clock Variations

All Westclox -> Westclox logo on dial through ca. 1931
Four Inch Movement -> Patent Form

See History of the Westclox America Alarm Clock

Pictures of the Westclox America Style 2a Alarm Clock:
