Research by Richard Tjarks, Jeff Wood, Gary Biolchini, Greg Adams and Bill Stoddard
Examples of the Westclox Vine Enameled Alarm Clock:
Movement Date: ca. 1902. Type []. Plate Shape: 3: Cut and Stepped Corner; Balance: 3: Brass 3 arms; Patent Form: 3: 1885 Circular; Time Click: 3: Traditional click & spring inside BP; Alarm Click: 3: Traditional click & spring inside BP.
Documents Showing the Westclox Vine Enameled Alarm Clock:
Document Date: 1902 Document Title: 1902 Catalog, The Western Clock Mfg. Company; LaSalle; Illinois; U.S.A. -> 8 Photo Match: Different case color Model Description: Finished in bright colors, in hard, durable enamel, in three patterns, vine, daisy and heraldic. 4-inch dial, nickel plated sunk back, front sash and bell. A very attractive alarm clock. Wholesale: $0.55 USD
Document Date: 1903 Document Title: 1903 Western Clock Mfg. Co. Catalog -> 6 Photo Match: Different case color Model Description: Enameled Alarm. Hard, durable enamel in 3 patterns Vine, Daisy, Heraldic. 4 inch dial Wholesale: $0.57 USD
This item is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.
Page Created: 2012-10-30
Page Modified: 2012-10-30
Model ID: 391