The 1907 Westclox catalog shows this model with the Dutch man on it. Mark Hursch sent photos of this, as well as an example having a Dutch woman holding a baby.
Thanks to Mark Hursch of Australia for providing the beautiful photos above.
Documents Showing the Westclox Dutch Ash Mission Finish Shelf Clock:
Document Date: 1907 Document Title: 1907 Western Clock Manufacturing Company Catalog -> 25 Photo Match: Photocopy Model Description: Height, 12 Inches. Mission Finish. Ash and Match Trays. Two-Inch Ivorine Dials. Beveled Crystals. One-Day Movements. Self-Centered Wheels. Western Friction-Less Pivots.
Document Date: 1907 Document Title: N. Shure Co. 1907 Catalog -> 213 Photo Match: Black and white drawing Model Description: "Dutch" Flemish Oak Clock Wholesale: $1.45 USD
Pictures of the Westclox Dutch Ash Mission Finish Shelf Clock:
Dutch man. Courtesy of Mark Hursch (Australia). Movement date 11 July 1911. 11 7/8" (300mm) tall. Patent date: Oct 28, 1902.
Dutch man. Courtesy of Mark Hursch (Australia). Movement date 11 July 1911.
Dutch man. Courtesy of Mark Hursch (Australia)
Dutch woman. Courtesy of Mark Hursch (Australia). Movement date 6 July 1906. 11 7/8" (300mm) tall. Patent date: Oct 28, 1902.
Dutch woman. Courtesy of Mark Hursch (Australia). Movement date 6 July 1906.
Dutch woman. Courtesy of Mark Hursch (Australia). Movement date 6 July 1906.
This item is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.
Page Created: 2012-10-31
Page Modified: 2014-04-06
Model ID: 399