Clock & Watch Advertisement: Westclox Fall 1961 Advertising


June 1961


Westclox fall advertising in Mademoiselle, Newspapers, Radio and Television and major magazines will feature these best sellers! New Aspen, New Crest, Scroll, New Embers, Ballet, Coquette, 17 jewel. The New Westclox. Best Clocks Anywhere. World's largest maker of watches and clocks - Division of General Time Corporation, La Salle, Illinois. 489-6-61.


Gary Biolchini

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This document is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.

Id Filtered: 6932; Displayed Document Id: 6932; Parent Document Id: 6932; Document Id Hierarchy: 6932; Listing Company: Westclox; This Document's Companies: Westclox; s_date (this document or parents): 1961-06-01; d_date (this document or parents): June 1961; Url: 2.