Clock & Watch Magazine Page: Westclox Tick Talk, April 1941 (Factory Edition), Vol. 26 No. 4 > 18-19
April 1941
New Models: Dunbar electric wall clock. Made in ivory, red, green and white. Square case, dial tilts down slightly, has power outage indicator. M2 motor. Westclox's first wall clock with square dial. Price $3.95. Other electric wall clock models are Belfast at $2.95 and Manor at $3.50.
Document Series:
Westclox Tick Talk
Document Type:
Magazine > Page
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Id Filtered: 10970; Displayed Document Id: 10970; Parent Document Id: 10967; Document Id Hierarchy: 10967 > 10970; Listing Company: Westclox; Parent Documents' Companies:
Westclox; s_date (this document or parents): 1941-04-01; d_date (this document or parents): April 1941; integer_page_num (this document or parents): 18; text_page_num (this document or parents): 18-19; Url: 2.