There are two early types, both used only in 1956:
1) Minute hand has no cap in the center, the sides of the hands are straight (the whole hand tapers from narrow to wide).
2) Second type: Minute hand has decorative cap in the center, the sides of the hands are straight (the whole hand tapers from narrow to wide). The short end of the hand is the widest part of the hand.
The standard type (used starting sometime in 1956 to the end of Style 7 production): Minute hand has cap in center, the hand tapers from narrow to widest at the center, then tapers narrower again. The short end of the hand is narrower than the center.
Hand Type Flat, no cap:
Hands are flat, no cap in center of minute hand.
Hand Type Wide short end:
Minute hand has decorative cap in the center, the sides of the hands are straight (the whole hand tapers from narrow to wide). The short end of the hand is the widest part.