The dials have the words "LOUD ALARM" in either small lettering (0.4 mm X 5.3 mm) or large lettering (0.7 mm X 7.9 mm). In addition, the word "Westclox" was lettered in two ways. "Small Westclox" has all the letters of the word "Westclox" in capital letters, all the same height. In the "Large Westclox" type, the "W" is upper case and the other letters are lower case. The small "Loud Alarm" and "Small Westclox" were used on the first dials. Then, the "Large Westclox" came into use. Finally, the large "Loud Alarm" replaced the small version.
Big 7 Loud Dial 1. Small Westclox, Small Loud Alarm
Big 6 Loud Dial 1. Small Westclox, Small Loud Alarm
Dial 1 (Small Westclox, Small Loud Alarm):
Used until ca. September 1952.
Big 6 Loud Dial 2. Large Westclox, Small Loud Alarm
Big 6 Loud Dial 2. Large Westclox, Small Loud Alarm
Dial 2 (Large Westclox, Small Loud Alarm):
Used from ca. October 1952 to ca. January 1955.
Big 6 Loud Dial 3. Large Westclox, Large Loud Alarm
Big 6 Loud Dial 3. Large Westclox, Large Loud Alarm