Schatz Standard 400 Day Ivory Painted Enamel Dial Shelf Clock Model Photo (ID 72)

Model Name: Schatz Standard 400 Day Ivory Painted Enamel Dial

Image Description: There is no date on the back plate. The 49 in the circle refers to the movement being model 49. It was madde ca. 1950 - 1952.

Picture 4 of 4 (Model Photo ID 217)

Schatz Standard 400 Day Ivory Painted Enamel Dial. There is no date on the back plate. The 49 in the circle refers to the movement being model 49. It was madde ca. 1950 - 1952.
There is no date on the back plate. The 49 in the circle refers to the movement being model 49. It was madde ca. 1950 - 1952.