Westclox Heraldic Enameled Alarm Alarm Clock, Document Model Information, 1902 Catalog, The Western Clock Mfg. Company; LaSalle; Illinois; U.S.A. -> 8

Westclox Heraldic Enameled Alarm

Model Name: 

Westclox Heraldic Enameled Alarm

Document Name: 

1902 Catalog, The Western Clock Mfg. Company; LaSalle; Illinois; U.S.A. -> 8

Document Date: 


Doc Model Information Text: 

Model Description: Finished in bright colors, in hard, durable enamel, in three patterns, vine, daisy and heraldic. 4-inch dial, nickel plated sunk back, front sash and bell. A very attractive alarm clock.

Doc Model Information Prices: 

Wholesale: $0.55 USD

Doc Model Information Photos