Westclox Models with Model Name: Stanton

There are 11 Models named Stanton in the database

Westclox Stanton Battery Golden Maple
Round metal case, golden maple color, black upright Arabic numerals
Dates made: 1963 - 1964
Round metal case, pink, cordless battery operated movement.
Dates made: 1963 - 1964
Westclox Stanton Battery Tile White With Blue Decor
Round metal case, blue perimeter with white stripes, blue radial Arabic numerals on white background.
Dates made: 1963 - 1964
Westclox Stanton Battery Tile White With Brown Decor
Round metal case, brown perimeter with white stripes, brown radial Arabic numerals on white background.
Dates made: 1963 - 1964
Round metal case, pink, with black upright Arabic numerals
Dates made: 1963 - 1964
Westclox Stanton Electric Tile White With Brown Decor
Round metal case, brown perimeter with white stripes, brown radial Arabic numerals on white background.
Dates made: 1963 - 1965
Westclox Stanton Electric Golden Maple
Round metal case, golden maple color, black upright Arabic numerals
Dates made: 1963 - 1966
Westclox Stanton Battery Charcoal
Round metal case, charcoal color case, silver numerals and center.
Dates made: 1963 - 1968
Westclox Stanton Battery Wedgewood Blue
Round metal case with blue background and white Wedgewood patterns.
Dates made: 1963 - 1968
Westclox Stanton Battery White
Round metal case, white, with black upright Arabic numerals
Dates made: 1964 - 1964
Westclox Stanton Electric White
Round metal case, white, with black upright Arabic numerals
Dates made: 1964 - 1965