Porcelain case with maroon shading and 2 inch movement. Note: these cases were hand painted and the colors and patterns will vary.
Model Name:
Porcelain Maroon
Westclox Sales Number:
8339 (8339)
Motive Power:
Model Type:
Usage Locations:
Case Color:
Maroon Shaded
Case Material:
Dial Color:
5 inches
Dial Nominal Diameter:
2 inches
Dial Numeral Type:
Research by Greg Adams
Documents Showing the Westclox Porcelain 8339 Maroon Shelf Clock:
Document Date: 1901 Document Title: Western Clock Mfg. Co. 1901 Catalog -> 10 Photo Match: Black and white drawing Model Description: Imported Porcelain Cases. Maroon Shading. Fitted with our guaranteed 30-hour movements. 2-inch ivory finish dials. Westclox Sales Number: 8339
Document Date: 1902 Document Title: 1902 Catalog, The Western Clock Mfg. Company; LaSalle; Illinois; U.S.A. -> 26 Photo Match: Black and White Photo Model Description: Porcelain Clocks, imported cases. Maroon shading. Height, 5 inches. 30-hour movements; 2-inch ivory finish dial; gilt center; bevel plate glass. Westclox Sales Number: 8339 Wholesale: $0.80 USD
Document Date: 1903 Document Title: 1903 Western Clock Mfg. Co. Catalog -> 23 Photo Match: Black and White Photo Model Description: Porcelain Clock. (Bonn Cases, Germany). No. 8339. Maroon. 2 inch ivory finish dial; bevel plate glass. Height, 5 inches. Westclox Sales Number: 8339 Wholesale: $0.80 USD
Document Date: 1904 Document Title: 1904 St. L. C. S. W. Co. Catalog -> 9 Photo Match: Black and white drawing Model Description: EGRET. Porcelain, gilt and color decorations. 1-day time. 2-inch dial. Height, 5 1/8 inches. Width, 4 inches. Retail: $2.00 USD
Document Date: 1904 Document Title: 1904 Western Clock Mfg. Co. Catalog (missing pp. 21 - 24); La Salle; Illinois -> 37 Photo Match: Black and White Photo Model Description: PORCELAIN CLOCKS (Bonn Case, Germany.) No. 8339. Maroon. Height 5 1/4 inches. 2-inch ivory finish dial. Bevel plate glass. Gilt center. Westclox Sales Number: 8339 Wholesale: $0.85 USD
This item is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.
Page Created: 2018-06-05
Page Modified: 2021-04-05
Model ID: 1685