Document Date: 1907 Document Title: 1907 Western Clock Manufacturing Company Catalog -> 38 Photo Match: Photocopy Model Description: "A" MOVBEMENT - To be inserted on case from the front. Two-Inch Ivorine Dials. Beveled Crystals. One-Day Movements. Self-Centered Wheels. Western Friction-Less Pivots.
Document Date: 1919 Document Title: 1919, First Aid for Injured Westclox, Western Clock Co. - Makers of Westclox; LaSalle - Peru; Illinois -> 40 Photo Match: Black and White Photo Model Description: Two-Inch Movement
Every once in a while somebody brings in a small clock that has a two-inch movement. The clock has long outlived its usefulness, but is valued far beyond its worth because it is a keepsake, with perhaps some sentimental association.
From a repair standpoint it may be hopeless. To try to put the movement in good running order could easily cost more than the entire clock is worth.
There's a way to fix a clock of this kind that will pay you a satisfactory profit and give excellent satisfaction to the owner.
The case usually has the keepsake value. Tell the owner you can put in a new movement so there'll be no complaint after the job is done. The next step is to measure the diameter of the case opening. The movement shown above will fit an opening from 2 1/8 to 2 3/8 inches in diameter. Then measure the depth of the opening, the distance form the front of the case to the back. Attachments can be supplied with this movement which will enable it to fit a case not less than 1/4 inches from front to back, nor more than 2 1.2 inches.
If you give us the measurements correctly, we'll select the proper fitting back and send the movement out promptly. All you have to do is to screw on four nuts to fasten it firmly in the case.
This is known as our two-inch fitting movement. It has the regular Westclox patented construction, is a one-day time movement. The case is of brass. The bezel and rim are highly polished.
The glass is of beveled French plate. The dial is clear white with neat black figures.
Be sure to remember to give us the inside diameter of the case opening, and the depth of the opening from front to back. This movement is 87c plus postage. Wholesale: $0.87 USD
This item is shown for the historical record, it is not for sale.
Page Created: 2012-10-27
Page Modified: 2012-11-23
Model ID: 351