Westclox Melody Round Blue White Wall Clock, Document Model Information, 1950-12-Melody-intro-Life-1. December 1950 Life Magazine,

Westclox Melody Round Blue White

Model Name: 

Westclox Melody Round Blue White

Document Name: 

1950-12-Melody-intro-Life-1. December 1950 Life Magazine,

Document Date: 

December 1950

Doc Model Information Text: 

Model Description: MELODY ELECTRIC WALL CLOCK. Here, at last, is a new idea in wall clocks! Almost universal in charm, smartly-styled Melody is adaptable to any room. Available in a variety of colors, it blends and harmonizes easily with your color scheme. Or change its color, chameleon-like, to suit your moods. Any way you look at it, Melody gives you something to sing about!

Doc Model Information Photos