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LaSalle - Peru, Illinois Westclox Factory Photos and Post Cards

These photos and postcards show the Westclox factory located in Peru, Illinois. The mailing address was LaSalle, Illinois.

Walking tour around the old Westclox clock and watch factory in Peru, Illinois, USA on August 26, 2007

Westclox factory, Peru, Illinois, ca. 1902 - 1909
Westclox factory, Peru, Illinois, ca. 1902 - 1909. Back view (from the South). Notice the company name "The Western Clock Manufacturing Co." and the words "Clocks Watches and Movements" across the back.

Courtesy of the Northern Illinois University Archives, collection #116, Westclox Incorporated records, box 22.

Westclox factory, Peru, Illinois, ca. 1902 - 1909
Westclox factory, Peru, Illinois, ca. 1902 - 1909. Angle view showing South and East sides of the factory.

Courtesy of the Northern Illinois University Archives, collection #116, Westclox Incorporated records, box 22.

Undated color postcard of the Westclox factory
Undated postcard of the Westclox factory.
This post card of the Westclox factory is postmarked 1943
This post card of the Westclox factory is postmarked 1943.
The old Western Clock Co. factory in Peru, Illinois, with the name still intact after more than 60 years.
The old Western Clock Co. factory in Peru, Illinois, with the name still intact after more than 60 years. (Stoddard photo, 1992)
Back end of the buffing department, showing the dust collectors.
Back end of the buffing department, showing the dust collectors. (Stoddard photo, 1992)

On December 31, 2011, two boys started a fire in the old factory.. The center section was destroyed, but the north and south parts were saved. It took 6 days to control the fire. The News Tribune has an interactive map showing the status of various parts of the factory.

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